Thursday, September 17, 2009

Father/Son Campout

When our ward's father/son campout was cancelled due to the smoke, our boys were pretty bummed out about it. So they came up with the great idea to have a campout inside!

All comfy in their tent

Enjoying a marshmallow

All the boys


Katie said...

what a house full of testosterone! lol

So yea....secretly I always have a slight bit of dissapointment to see only one child when they do the ultrasound. I would love to have But thats spoken with some serious inexperience into the world of mutiples....

So tell is it?

The Mattesons said...

During the pregnancy I was, "Yay, it's twins." After they were born in the hospital it was, "Holy crap I have to take not only one, but TWO home," until the triplets got wheeled in and then I said a prayer thanking Heavenly Father for only sending me twins!

But seriously, they are the BEST babies we have ever had. They are so easy going and laid back. They only fuss when hungry or the boys are too in their faces. They go about ten hours between feeds at night (last feed is at 9pm). I know it will get harder and I am preparing myself for that (as much as one can), but we are really lucky to have such good kiddos.