Friday, January 16, 2009


Ever since we have shared with all of you what is going on with the babies, we have gotten endless acts of service in many ways. Rikk is the best hubby a girl could ask for! Rikk has become "Mr. Mom" on his days off and has just let me lay on the couch or in bed while he does everything (but this is good for him, right?!!!). He has explained to the kids that the babies are a little sick and that mommy has to lay around on her bum all day to help them get better. The boys thought that was pretty funny and didn't ask what was wrong with the twins which was a relief. I have the best parents in the whole world. They would drop and have dropped everything to help out their kids without a second thought. My parents have come out at different times to take care of the kids for hours when Rikk is at work. This includes entertaining them, doing dishes, laundry, bathing kids, putting them to bed and picking up Hunter from school. The relief society presidency and compassionate service leader at church have organized dinners and people to pick up Hunter from school on the days Rikk is at work (he works 24's). We even had friends who live in another state order chinese food and have it delivered to our house for dinner last night. And we have gotten numerous encouraging phone calls, emails and comments.

Rikk and I hate to ask for help, even in our own family...we were told my numerous people, "You aren't asking for help we are offering it and fine, we aren't helping you, we are helping the twins so you can't complain." That makes it a little easier, but we still feel bad because all of you have your own lives and families to attend to as well. We just want to say thank you to all of you, for the things you have done, for your encouraging words, for letting me call and really means a lot to us.


Dahlia said...

We sure love you guys. I think sometimes we go through trials so others have an opportunity to serve ;) We wish we could be there for some big hugs!!! I'm so glad you're being taken care of too.

annie said...

I think that people feel the NEED to serve. It's in us all, but sometimes we don't know what to do and in an instance like this it is obvious that there is a need that people feel they can DO something for. Let them "pamper" you. Let them receive the blessings of service. When you are in the service of your "fellow beings" you are also in the service of your God. :o)

Kim said...

I had no idea things were so scary with the babies. We'll keep you in our prayers. Let me know what we can do to help.

Katie said...

Serving is a way to give back to the people who have served us in the past. You are probably receiving service that was rendered from long long ago....perhaps the days of Christ even. Each time I give service I usually think of all the people who have "served" me and it helps me get the work done better. Think of all the service you'll have to do in the years to come to make up for this!

You are in our prayers. You, your little babies, your boys and your husband.

If you do end up coming to Sacramento (but I think you said you were going to Seattle) let me know please!