Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Doing good so far!

Here is our latest update. They checked the heartbeats of the babies twice Friday night and they were doing really well, the nurses seemed really surprised about that. Then I had an ultra sound on Saturday morning and there really wasn't any change in the fluid around the smaller baby. However, there was a HUGE change in his movements. We saw him move around more in that one ultra sound then we have ever seen him move in ALL my ultra sounds combined, so we were very excited about that. The bigger baby's bladder and kidneys were smaller, not the right size yet but smaller, so that was another good sign. We were very pleased with the ultra sound and think that the babies are definitely on the right track.

We got into Seattle on Sunday and just drove around doing nothing. We called the doctor Monday morning and he told us he didn't need to see us until Friday at noon. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I was a little upset about that only because I am the type of person that wants answers and results now. The doctor said that it would take that long to see if there is any change in the fluid around the small baby. Sooooo, we are just sitting here and waiting which is really annoying.

I had my first "breakdown" since we got here. I am missing my boys, want to be in my own bed and am just tired of going from hotel to hotel, plane to plane, doctor to doctor, ultra sound to ultra sound, etc. I was crying at the drop of a hat and just feel really gloomy. It is nice to know that the kids are in such good hands with mom and dad, Kathy and Tramp so I don't have to worry about them...I just feel bad because I am not there to take care of them. Kyler had me almost in tears on the phone because he "just wants his mommy to come home."

Rikk has been the best hubby there could ever be. He hasn't complained one time about having to do anything and everything. Even though I am allowed to carry light things, he only lets me carry my purse and a water! He has had his fun about this though because whenever we go somewhere I have to be pushed in a wheel chair. We (I) will be talking and we will be strolling along and when he doesn't respond I turn around and he is at least 20ft. behind me laughing. Or when we roll up to the restroom, he parks me facing a wall and then says, "You sit there and don't move!" We both laugh, but boy does he get some dirty looks from people walking by!!!

We just want to thank you all for your prayers and for fasting, it really means a lot to us. We have seen the power of fasting, prayer and priesthood blessings work. Thanks for everything you all have done. We will try to post again on Friday.


Dahlia said...

Thanks for the good laugh about you in the wheelchair :) I can picture you two now - ha!
my mom called to say that there's a special eielson ward fast on Sunday for you...i can't fast (nursing), but i'll eat healthy that day and jeremy will fast for you too. keep your chin up and enjoy seattle as best a you can given your boys aren't there. we love and miss all of you!

Katie said...

Aren't you glad you have Rikk? That made me laugh.

We'll keep you in our prayers. Cry away, it will be better soon.