Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Left Out...

Apparently Kyler was feeling a little left out from all of the excitement of Hunter pushing Walker and Walker splitting his head open. How do I know this you ask??? He decided to take two headers off the arm of the couch and got hurt. He has a very nice purple and blue bruise surrounding a little cut. Luckily I didn't have to take him to the ER, I can't even imagine what the guy checking us in would say!!!

But if that wasn't enough, he has learned to climb out of his crib. His first time at this was while my mom was watching him and Hunter (I was at the ER with Walker for his head). He has done it a couple times since. Yesterday morning he was knocking on his door to be let out when he woke up. And then tonight I heard a noise and opened his door and he was on the floor playing with the toys in his room. I have no idea how he can get out of his crib. He is such a short and chunky thing, I don't know how is gets himself up and over the crib rail. Oh well, I guess the only thing I can do is lay something soft down for him to land on and pray he doesn't get hurt.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Oh boy! Is this what we have to look forward to. I am no good with kiddos getting hurt. I fear I will freak out and faint or something and leave my child to fend for themselves. Anyway, good luck with those wild and crazy boys. Mason says hello to you all (well he really only says "dadadadadadada", but I'm sure he means hello)