Monday, March 24, 2008

Boy will be boys!!!

I went out and got the mail today and came back inside and set it on the lower half of the entertainment center for the kids to fight over as I always do. They kids came running over and started to fight over who gets to open what junk mail as usual. I went to the bathroom and came out to hear little muffled know, the kind where someone or two someones are doing something they shouldn't be. Well, I came out to the living room and this is what I found...

The first one they didn't even know I took and the second one is the realization that they had been caught and knew they were being bad. Walker looks up and says, "Mom, I see boobies!" It's not even a magazine that I get, it's from the previous owner. I threw it away and they kept getting it out of the garbage, so it had to go out to the trash cans on the back porch. I have heard of boys sneaking their mom's Victoria's Secret before, but at this age?!!!

1 comment:

Dahlia said...

Those little stinkers!