Monday, February 22, 2010

Bedtime Antics

We found out there was a small fire at our place tonight, but thankfully nobody was hurt.

Rikk: "Kyler why are you naked, where are your underwear and jammie bottoms?"
Kyler: "They were all wet so I took them off."
Rikk: "Why are they all wet, you just put them on 10 minutes ago."
Kyler: "Well, Walker called me a dork and that made me so mad that fire shot out of my butt (sticking his bum out to the side) and my jammies caught on fire so I dipped my bottom in the toilet."
Rikk: Just standing there dumbfounded.
Kyler: "What?"
Rikk: Just walks away.

I wish I was making this up!!!


Anonymous said...

your kids are so funny!!

Anonymous said...

your kids are so funny!!

momhirt said...

keep an eye on that kid! hilarious.

Katie said...

I HATE it when that happens. Kyler...I totally get you.

Jaime said...

Oh my goodness! That is so funny! Your picture certainly helps the image of that conversation in my head... :)

Dahlia said...

Quick thinking Kyler! Hilarious! Are they watching punk'd or something?!