Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another tooth gone

That is right, Hunter has lost his second tooth. He was in our room with Rikk and they were talking and Hunter was eating an apple. He had got some apple caught in his teeth and he thought Rikk was trying to get it out. Rikk pulled out Hunter's tooth without him even knowing it! He thinks Rikk should become a dentist now!

Hunter's missing tooth

Showing off his "hole"
Hunter's surprise from the Tooth Fairy


Katie said...

EEeeek! Is that the tooth already grown in behind that hole? silly kid.

The Mattesons said...

Yes, his adult tooth was basically completely grown in before he lost his baby one. It was like that with his first tooth too. And it's really funny, because none of my kids so far got teeth until they were over a year...Kyler we had to get x-rays at 17mo. because he didn't have teeth yet. They take forever to get in the beginning, and then come again way too early.