Monday, February 9, 2009

Jesus wants me for a SUNBEAM!!!

Rikk had the "opportunity" to teach Walker's Sunbeam class yesterday. This class is for kids who are 3 turning 4 in 2009. I think he said there were about 7 kids in his class, 4 boys and 3 girls. First, let me mention that Rikk is not a very touchy feely kinda guy, especially by people/kids he doesn't know or who aren't his. This little problem made for a very interesting class. Let's just say he felt quite a bit like the sunbeam in the picture above, but minus the smile!
He said that the boys in his class kept putting their hands on his legs or shoulders and he would very nicely grab their wrists and put their hands back in their laps...only to have to repeat this over and over! There was a little girl who wanted her mommy and was crying. Rikk finally picked her up, but put her on the END of his knee. She kept trying to lay back on him and he would lean back and very gently push her forward!
Then it was time for a potty break, which completely threw Rikk for a loop because he didn't know about this before hand. He asked if they could all go potty by themselves and the little girls started to argue over who was the biggest girl. And then a little boy said he needed which Rikk replied, "You're a big boy, figure it out yourself dude!" Thank you Kasey Roberts for getting the girls to come out of the bathroom for Rikk.
But the thing that got him the most was the fact that little girls don't "sit" like little girls should. He said he has never been flashed sooooo many times in his life and felt like he should just go ahead and put himself on the sexual offenders list!!! He came home with what my family calls a "primary headache" and didn't want anyone to talk to him or touch him. Oh how I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for this class!


Jerry and Maaret said...

this post was hilarious!!! i laughed and laughed! I can't tell you how many "primary headaches" i've come home with on Sundays!!

momhirt said...

great narrative. you can feel his pain.

Katie said...

Ha! Thats really funny. Next week....ON TO CTR 5?

Dahlia said...

I can just picture it now :) You think he'll sub for sunbeams again? Jeremy subbed once - he didn't know how to keep the kids under control and just let them have a free-for-all. Would it help if Rikk brought hand sanitizer? ha!

Anonymous said...

This was hilarious! The funniest thing I have read in a long time. I don't know Rikk but can picture almost any man responding the same way!

Anonymous said...

This is soo funny! Kaiden is in that class. I am afraid that Kaiden was the boy who asked for help. He IS perfectly capable, just likes company (not my idea of fun) so I am glad, if it was him, that Rikk told him to do it himself. We do the same thing. Seriously funny! I love my YW calling!!!!! I'll say it over and over:).