Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well today started as any ordinary day. The kids got up, I got them breakfast and we got ready for the day to run a couple errands. We went to Safeway to pick up some milk and movies for the weekend. I am sporting my new shoes that I don't slip around in on the ice (can you see where this is headed) and absolutely LOVE...thanks mom! We get out to the car and some idiot has parked so close to the side of the car where the kids get in and loaded, that I can't fit the buggy (yes I said buggy, not cart) in-between the two cars. I get Walker and Hunter into the car and have them get into their chairs. I go and get Kyler out of the buggy, take about three steps and we are down for the count. My new, no slip shoes have failed me and Kyler is sitting on my chest repeating over and over, "Mommy, you okay Mommy?" Since I was holding Kyler I couldn't catch myself without dropping him and landed right on my bum. It hurts like crazy. We lay on the ground for a few minutes while I tried to muster the strength to move Kyler's almost 30lb. body off of mine. I finally get Kyler in the car and myself in my seat only to have Hunter and Walker tell me they still aren't strapped in. What the crap! We finally make it home and I have been icing, taking Motrin and sitting on a baby boppie pillow. The thing that I never realized before was how much you bum is connected to things that you do throughout the day. For instance, I sneezed today and was almost in tears because it made my bum hurt so much...who'd a thought!

1 comment:

bloomers said...

You are too funny! I can picture the scene. So sweet of Kyler to ask if you are okay.