Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Snack Stealer"

Well, it's official...Kyler has been named "Snack Stealer" in nursery!!! I knew that he has tried to steal little Madeline O'Neil's snacks one Sunday, but I guess it is every Sunday he is trying to steal someone's snack. One of the nursery ladies told me today (while laughing) that when they sit down for snack time, Kyler tries to steal a snack from the left and a snack from the right. Sometimes he is successful and sometimes a child doesn't let it fly!! Not bad you are thinking, that's normal. The bad/funny part is when snack time is over and ALL the other kids are down playing with toys, he is going around the table and finishing up EVERY snack that all the other kids have left behind!!! For those of you that know him, you are laughing and probably thinking, "That's Kyler!" and it really is. He does the same thing at home. I decided to put up some pictures of him "stealing" foods, snacks and drinks that don't belong to him...and believe me there are plenty more that I didn't post. Hope you get a good laugh!

This started as Walker's breakfast!
He somehow got this off the table and the smile isn't just because it's good!

Another drink that isn't his!

Once again, not his candy!

Didn't start out as his, but ended up as so!

1 comment:

Dahlia said...

He's such a cutie! I do hope Madeline wasn't mean to him for getting her snack stolen...she should be used to it as Jeremy always steals her food too :) ha!