Saturday, March 1, 2008

Words from Iraq...

I got this email from Rikk this morning and thought you all might like to know how he is doing. Oh, Spongebob is in the picture for the boys. Rikk takes pics with him everywhere he goes this deployment. Sorry this picture of him is soo small, I had to copy it and this was as big as I could get it.

Hey Sorry I was not there last night we were out at a function that the AirForce was having. American (Ali) Idol, there were a couple of firefighters in the group so we were out there to support them. It was a very bad time. It was more like the auditions on TV. Not one of them could sing, my ears were bleeding after! Sorry I missed the boys' call. I really would have liked to talk with them last night.
I am staying busy here, I am getting ready to take over the station captian's job in the next week. That will give me a lot more to do while were are on duty. That and it will give me a better chance of getting a medal out of here, which is always good for promotion testing. Other than that life is ok. Just trying to get into a routine for the next few months. I hope that I will have orders by the end of next week that way we can start getting prepared. If not then by the 15th. And if all of those (overseas) come back with a no, we will find out probably in June where our next base is going to be.
Hug and kiss the boys. I love you all!

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