Monday, May 24, 2010

Rikk is from Mars

Rikk and I were having a conversation about laundry the other day which made me think he had to be from Mars!

Rikk: You know how you never know if my pants are clean or dirty?
Dawn: Yea, that's why I always just wash them.
Rikk: Well I have an idea that will help you know if they are clean or not.
Dawn: Okay...
Rikk: I am going to put my pants in this drawer of my dresser. If they have a belt on them, they are clean. If they don't have a belt on them, then they are dirty.
Dawn: (I am laughing pretty hard) WHAT??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? That makes NOOOOO sense. I am NOT going to look through your CLEAN clothes to find your DIRTY clothes.
Rikk: What are you talking about, it makes perfect sense. Belt on, clean. Belt off, dirty. What's so hard about that?
Dawn: I don't even look through the boys' clean clothes to find their dirty clothes. You walk by the laundry room EVERY day. If your pants are dirty, put them in the dirty clothes.
Rikk: I'm just saying, it makes perfect sense.
Dawn: I just stood there laughing, shaking my head no!

I don't think I am the only spouse out there that thinks this is one of the silliest things I have ever heard. I mean, I would expect to hear it from one of the boys...but Rikk??? I just had to laugh! I love him and his "creative" solutions to things!!!


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! That is soooooo funny. That is such a man/boy thing. I can never tell if Shawn's pants are clean or dirty either. He just drapes them all over the back of the chair in our room. Drives me crazy.

Dahlia said...

Quite creative, but I've got an even better idea: put the DIRTY clothes in the laundry basket! I still haven't figured out how to tell if Jeremy's clothes are clean or dirty - belt on or off, they're always on the floor!

:) Thanks for the good laugh Dawn!

momhirt said...

he should have been an engineer...

Katie said...

so funny. Yes, why if they are dirty would they get folded and end up in a drawer? Wouldn't it be easier if he just chucked them in the hamper?

My brother and a roomate came to a discovery about their clothes that grossed eachother out. My brother had been throwing his dirty clothes on the floor and his clean clothes were always in the laundry basket (waiting to be put away I'm sure right?) His friend....put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket and would dump his clean clothes on the floor. Needless to say, when they wore eachother's clothes, they were wearing the other persons' dirty clothes. At least they didn't share

Anonymous said...

oh boys... we have the same problem in our family.. if wes would just put them in a hamper then i would KNOW they were dirty... he want me to smell them to determin if they need to be washed:)

The Mattesons said...

If it's a shirt and I ask if it is dirty Rikk will say, "I don't know, smell the armpits!" Um, no thank you! He's so gross!!!